Robert Birming

Stay curious

Is there a cure for aging? Not really. Some try various ways to look younger, ending up looking like someone who spent a lot of money to look old in a weird way.

And when it comes to the body as a whole, we might engage in practices to stay flexible and strong. That’s great, but it won’t prevent an aging body from aching here and there — usually when we’re halfway through its lifespan.

And guess what? That’s fine!

The true measurement of age is the state of mind. That’s where the “young” vs. “old” shines through.

So, how do we stay young at heart and in our minds?

By keep being curious. By not living in the past. By…

There’s no “one size fits all” here, but it’s possible to stay curious, regardless of what your interests are. Now more than ever with our access to the World Wide Web.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but non-curiosity will kill the youth of human beings.