Robert Birming

Blog Inspiration 💡


Having trouble coming up with blog ideas? Check out these inspiring tips and tools to boost your blogging.

The page is regularly updated (last updated 1 week, 3 days ago) with new links, resources, and useful guides to enhance your blogging experience and make it even more enjoyable. Is anything missing? Please let me know.


💬 Blog Voices
💻 Blogging
📝 Writing
🎨 Designing
🌐 Accessibility
⚙️ Optimization
📦 Add-Ons
🔎 Discover Blogs
🗓️ What to Blog About?
🛠️ Tools & Inspiration
🕸️ Webrings
🏆 Blog Challenges
🐻 Bear Blog
💨 BlogBoost

💬 Blog Voices

Get inspired by reading other bloggers' stories about why they do what they do, how they do it, and how they find inspiration for their blog posts.

💻 Blogging

Inspiring and encouraging blog posts about blogging, written by experienced bloggers. Great resources to ignite the creative flame, whether you're a newbie or a pro.

📝 Writing

Great articles about writing in general and crafting blog posts in particular. Inspiring reading, whether you're a novice or an expert.

🎨 Designing

Top-notch resources for creating a personal blog design that is not only visually stunning, but also user-friendly and efficient.

🌐 Accessibility

A collection of essential guidelines, best practices, and tools designed to help you create an accessible blog.

⚙️ Optimization

A great set of website optimization tools that will help you enhance your blog’s performance and user experience.

📦 Add-Ons

A list of add-ons that can be integrated with your current blogging platform to enhance its functionality.

🔎 Discover Blogs

What better way to get inspired than reading other people’s blogs? Here are some good way to explore the blogosphere.

💭 What to Blog About?

Are you struggling to find topics to write about on your blog? Take a look at these helpful posts to ignite your writing inspiration.

🛠️ Tools & Inspiration

Great resources about blogging, whether you've just started a blog or you’re an experienced blogger who wants to level up.

🕸️ Webrings

A webring is a network of interconnected blogs. Each blog in the ring features a navigation bar, typically located at the bottom of the site, containing links to the previous and next blog in the webring.

🏆 Blog Challenges

Blog challenges are interactive events with a shared goal or theme over a specific period. They are designed to encourage creativity, develop a consistent posting habit, and foster a sense of community among participants.

🐻 Bear Blog

Tips, tricks and tweaks made specifically for Bear blog, an awesome blogging platform on which this blog of mine is hosted (those marked with * requires an upgraded account).

BlogBoost 💨

BlogBoost is an Apple shortcut with various ways to get the inspiration flowing, such as daily prompts and random inspiring quotes. It supports a wide range of text editors. Check out the BlogBoost post for more information.