Robert Birming

Why We Write


I recently wrote a post titled "Why write?" which received interesting and inspiring follow-ups from other bloggers. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed so far.

These stories definitely deserve a post of their own, and that's why I'm creating this "Why We Write" entry. I'm also including a personal favorite quote from each one.

Do you have a "Why I write" post and would like to be added to the list below? Please contact me.

Because I love sharing stuff and I need to clean my mind. — Batuhan

It serves a need in me, and for others, at times. — Randal

I enjoy being able to share information on whatever I'm interested in. — Lou Plummer

…the lack of rules means I can write with no pressure. I can simply write for myself. — Cole

I’ve always appreciated how blogging forces me to think more deeply. — Ben Tsai

I write because it keeps me sane and because it helps me connect with others. — Brandon

At the end of the day, I just want to write. No specific reasons, or many reasons rolled up into one. That’s all. — JCProbably

To declutter my brain is what I think of first. — Aryar

I write the books I wanted to see and needed to read when I was coming of age — especially those with LGBT characters and situations. — Kerri Ann

I haven’t stopped writing and have never looked back from that very early age after being encouraged by my parents to dream. — Alexandra

I think the simplest answer is that writing is where thinking actually happens. — Jaemez

Writing helps me figure out who I am and what I am thinking; a space for me to be, to think. — James record the important moments of my life, to reflect on and process my emotions and thoughts, and package it all into a little time capsule for future me. — Just another internet nook

Writing lots, seen or unseen, unlocks feedback loops, cycles of revolutions that provide insight and perspective—you become more competent. — Ian

It's a way to make sense of the world around us and our place in it. — Aiyna

Oftentimes, when I just write, I come up with even more ideas, arguments, whatever to support my initial thesis. — Dominik Hofer

I write so that other people no longer have to think, “Am I the only one?” – Katrina de Friess

I don’t write as therapy per se, but I’m finding it benefits my wellbeing anyway, as I process what I think and how I feel about a whole range of experiences and ideas. – Melinda Tognini

Writing is a way of saying thank you to all the other writers out there. – Daniel Szpisjak

Writing is a way to touch people’s hearts and let them know they are not alone. — Lorraine Lundqvist

There is a part of me that wants to be loved [….] There is a certain hubris to the act of creation [….] I tell myself that everyone is like this and that most just won’t admit to it… — Forrest

I write for myself to understand. I write for my future self to remember. And I write when the words are too heavy to hold onto. — Courtney