Robert Birming

My blogging inspiration

Most of my posts are inspired by everyday experiences. It could be something that happened at work or a conversation I overheard in a coffee shop. There are endless blog posts up for grabs if we pay attention to our surroundings.

If you browse through my blog posts, you will probably come across a few that start with a quote. These are texts inspired by documentaries or interviews with people I've found fascinating. It could be from a book, a podcast, or a movie.

Last, but definitely not least: other bloggers. There are so many interesting stories in the blogosphere (do we still use that word?). Every day, someone, somewhere is posting something new and intriguing. Junited is a good example of this.

Those are my main sources of inspiration. What inspires your blogging? Please let me and the rest of the world know, so you can inspire us too.