Robert Birming

Blogging is back

If you kept an eye on the web around the 00s, when blogging started to take off, you'll remember that "A blog about everything under the sun" and "Just another WordPress blog" were common slogans. That was enough.

Then blogging exploded, and sites became more and more niche. It was no longer enough to write about just about anything. People wanted to stand out from the crowd.

Now the trend of more personal blogs is getting a beautiful boost and new life. They are often simple, no-frills platforms. Bloggers writing about their lives and their views on everyday stuff.

Personal is mega niche

When you think about it, you can't get more niche than that. The unique personality makes it interesting to see how others express themselves – reading about their thoughts on life from their point of view.

Maybe you have considered starting a blog yourself. Perhaps you've been waiting because you don't know what to blog about. Forget that and go for it. Just blog!

Now is the best time ever to get started. There are plenty of tools to choose from, many of them free, and it is very easy to get started. Pick something that feels right for you and get started. 

Happy blogging!