Robert Birming

Rudeness Reflections

As soon as I greeted the customer, I knew what was coming. This is not going to be pleasant, I thought.

And I was right.

The person in question wasn't mean or angry, just very rude. Always knew best and interrupted as soon as I started to respond. In short, an unpleasant type.

Fortunately, these situations are rare and nothing I take personally or dwell on after saying goodbye. But there's one question that pops up every time it happens:


It's easier to understand when someone is angry or stressed. You can assume there's an underlying cause or explanation, even if it doesn't excuse taking it out on someone innocent.

But being rude, what's the point of that?

It's even more exhausting to be rude than to be nice. And if you want to express your opinion, there's a much smaller chance of it being heard when it's conveyed in a rude manner.

There's really no good reason to be rude.

Not to be rude, but that's the end of this post.