Robert Birming

Oops! I Did It Again

A month ago, I decided to shut down this blog. The next day I changed my mind, which I wrote about in the post "The blog that refuses to die."

Yesterday, I launched a membership called Birming Buddies. When I woke up this morning after a long and good night's sleep, I realized it didn't feel right. I have now removed the page.

It probably sounds crazy – and maybe it is.

But neither the decision to start Birming Buddies nor to shut down the blog were impulsive actions. It's always been a long period of consideration before I hit the OK button. Once I've done that, I quickly realize whether it was the right decision or not.

It's as if I can't reason my way through some decisions. I have to put them into action to really be able to determine what is right and what is not. Not very practical, I know, but that's apparently how I work.

Anyway, no harm done. The member fees are refunded and the blog lives on. And I'll continue to develop the Bearming theme. Today I released an add-on to show excerpts of your blog posts (see example on my home page), and a new color palette named Green Screen.

I hope you have the patience to continue following my rather crooked blog journey. Hopefully, the transparency will bring some comfort to those who can relate.

By the way, I also launched a newsletter today. Subscribe now, who knows, maybe I'll delete it tomorrow ;)

I wish you a wonderful weekend!