Robert Birming

Junited is all about sharing.

Once a day throughout June, I will update this page with a new link to a blog or post that I think deserves some extra attention.

  1. Building software to last forever
  2. The world’s worst boss
  3. Cheers to the Small Web
  4. The moment of a lifetime
  5. Lighten your grip
  6. Attracting similar people
  7. I'm a Little Fed Up
  8. Nothing is easy
  9. Heptathlon 2 – a weekly summary of interesting links.
  10. How it feels to get an AI email from a friend
  11. Affirmations for bloggers
  12. The money conundrum
  13. This is My /Next
  14. The importance of record keeping and choosing your platform
  15. A different world
  16. AI needs better interfaces
  17. On prioritizing what you want to learn & Life After Death
  18. Questions I Ponder
  19. To move is to feel alive
  20. Advice on blogging
  21. Looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything
  22. Short history of my blogging journey
  23. Mediocre by whose standards?
  24. We need more blogging about blogging
  25. Finding time to write
  26. How I (Create Images for) My Blog Posts
  27. Crafting My BearBlog
  28. Make ripples through time and space by writing
  29. Thank you! I’m trying to read your blog post so don’t stop.
  30. I was really dumb a year ago