Robert Birming

Ditching the Desk for Dreams

Thailand flag

Chiang Mai, Thailand

"I don't want to work in IT anymore."

I saw this comment pop up on my Mastodon feed today. It really resonated with me, as I was in the same boat a few years ago.

I had a great job at a great company. The people were friendly, the boss was understanding, the pay was good, and it was a short walk from home. In short, it was perfect!

But over time, something started to feel off. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. Everything ought to be great, which my family and friends were quick to point out when I told them how I felt.

Then one day, a window cleaner came to the office. I completely lost track of time watching him work. When I finally snapped out of it, I told him it looked like a peaceful job.

– Yes, I can't imagine a better job, he replied cheerfully.

In that moment, a seed was planted. Six months later, I was on a plane to Bangkok for a sabbatical in Asia. It was such a rewarding experience!

When I got back, I explained to my employer that it was time for something new. He admired my adventurous spirit and completely understood.

Fast forward ten years, and here I am now. I love my current job as a house inspector, even though I still make less than I did back then.

And when it comes to IT, I'm more passionate about it now that it's a hobby instead of a career. It's fun again!

Are you happy with your job? If not, do what you can to change the situation. Life is too short and precious to spend a large part of it unhappy.

Chok Dee, as they say in Thailand.