The Overnight Sensation Myth
"They say it takes 10 years to become an overnight sensation, and who better exemplifies that than Charli XCX."
That's how the documentary about the artist Charli XCX, which I listened to today, began. Featuring, among others, the Swedish songwriter, producer, and friend Noonie Bao, who has been with her from the start.
She shares how happy and moved she is to see Charli doing so well. She's seen all the hard work and dedication, how Charli has stood up for herself when others doubted her, and always followed her intuition. Noonie adds:
"It's easy to think that this kind of success happens overnight, but it doesn't."
So true, and easy to forget. We look at people who have made it and think they've had it handed to them. Timing and luck are often mentioned, which can certainly play a role, but the primary reason is still a lot of hard work and immense patience.
When we feel like giving up, we have to ask ourselves: Have we given it our all? If not, are we truly willing to invest what it takes?