Overcoming Self-Doubt
I just read through the latest entries in my guestbook. So many wonderful messages! I'm both happy and touched. Thank you all!
At the same time, I find it a bit difficult to truly embrace it. I don't feel like I have anything particularly valuable to contribute, and I think I'm a mediocre writer.
I believe many people can relate to this. That's just how it is with that inner critic, it's never satisfied. There's always something that isn't good enough.
If we treated other people the way we treat ourselves, we wouldn't have any friends left. And we'd probably get slapped around now and then for our terrible behavior.
If we list our favorites when it comes to books, movies, music, etc., then surely many of the creators would absolutely disagree. The creator and the created are too closely intertwined. There is no space for a fair judgement.
Perhaps this is precisely what we need to remind ourselves of when self-doubt is knocking at the door, and self-criticism is wagging its finger. Regardless of what we ourselves think of what we create, we can be sure of one thing:
There's always someone who appreciates it.
It's that person we do it for.