Robert Birming

Inspired by Everyday

I've noticed that I find it harder to write on weekends. You'd think it should be the opposite, since I have more free time on the weekend. But even though my job takes up a lot of my time, it's also my biggest source of inspiration.

I visit an average of five different places on a work-day, often places I've never set foot in before. And I meet people I've never met before—and probably never will again.

In short, days filled with impressions.

Even if a text doesn't explicitly describe a specific event, it's often the underlying inspiration. Something I've seen, something I've heard, something someone has done.

Regardless of what our daily lives look like, I'm convinced that it can help us keep our writing flame alive. All we need is to be observant and open—to be curious. Curiosity and imagination are some of our most important qualities on so many levels.

Stay curious. Never stop dreaming.