Robert Birming

The Importance of Community

Stockholm Pride

Today, I realized that the past three days share something important and beautiful: community.

Today, the pride parade took place here in Stockholm. I met up with my mom, sister, her husband, and their kids, who had come to the city for the occasion. It was wonderful sharing the event with them.

Yesterday, I decided to return to Mastodon. I missed the community and created a new account ( Thank you all for the warm welcome. You're amazing!

The day before yesterday, I decided to continue this blog. Since then, I've received wonderful feedback from you readers. It's made me happy, grateful, and motivated. Thank you all!

Three days, three different experiences, but one common thread: community. It's easy to overlook this invaluable aspect of life. However, when it's absent, we truly understand its significance.

So, dear friends, thank you for being part of my life.