Dear Dad
Dear Dad,
Today marks the first anniversary of your passing. Not a day goes... eeh, what’s that you said?
"I know, you don't have to rub it in."
Haha! Your sense of humor is intact. That's still one of the first things people mention when your name comes up: your wonderful sense of humor, and how incredibly kind you were.
You truly treated everyone with the same care and respect.
I still remember the incident in the garden from when I was little. A drug addict had wandered in and fallen asleep there. Mom and all of us kids stood at a safe distance, nervously watching as you helped him. Before staggering off, he turned around with tears of gratitude and asked:
"Are you a priest?"
That’s the kind of person you were. A helping hand and a life saver. A true hero.
As you know, your other son turns 50 today. But this day is not about birth or death. It’s a day of celebration and love. A day of unity, no matter the realm of residence.
Thank you for the long and wonderful time you gave us. Thank you for all the lovely memories that keep your spirit alive. Thank you for all the beautiful things you passed on to us.
I'll end with your last words:
I love you!