The Art of Seeing
The above piece of art was created by one of today's clients.
He was about to throw the container from a burned-out tea light when he thought, "I can make something out of that." He had made several different versions, and when I complimented him on its beauty and cleverness, he replied:
It's nothing special. You just have to see it.
Indeed, you just have to see it. Like a sculptor who views a block of stone and envisions an elephant, then removes only what isn't an elephant.
This "seeing" isn't limited to creative pursuits. The same principle applies to how we perceive our surroundings and life circumstances. Our mindset makes a world of difference.
My boss always concludes his morning emails with "Make yourself a good day." We possess that power if we choose to use it. Life in a castle can be a living hell, and life in a hut can be pure bliss.
It's all about perspective.